Pip could mean a seed
Knows he is different
He finds his life isn't fulfilling
"Am I wicked?" "Do I deserve the things I have gotten?"
Adopts adult males as role models
Magwitch does not present himself as a civilized person. Represents the threat of abandonment and what Pip may become. Magwitch identifies with Pip as an orphan.
Haversham. " have a shame? "
Symbolizes horrible decay and what may happen when a dream goes unfulfilled. On another hand, she symbolizes a fairy god mother. She left everything the exact way it was since she got left at the alter representing her loss. Haversham has trained Stella to be a heartbreaker. Haversham is rich, and has adopted Stella, giving Pip hope for his being an orphan. Haversham is also an immoral liar.
Pip wants to rise in the world, and become something more.
Joe is a simple blacksmith. Lives by feeling and goes with his gut/heart. Does not judge by appearance. Financially unsuccessful, but he is content.
Jaggers breaks things down into logic. Does not deal with emotion. What Jaggers knows about other people can hurt them. He is not successful spiritually or emotionally, but he has a lot of money.
Represents old nostalgic world. Has an ability to be both like Jaggers ( at the office) and also like Joe ( at home). Pip views Wemmick as a friend.
Great Expectations
1. Haversham is not fairy god mother
2. Stella was not meant for Pip, and Pip was only a part of her training
3. Magwitch has actually influenced Pip's expectations.